How static stretching can improve your performance

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Stretching your muscles continuously (without using a move) may help you to perform better. If you do it regularly, it will certainly help you to have more endurance and improve your flexibility. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of stretching using a stationary stretcher.


If you want to do things that will help you to perform better, try stretching! While it may not be good for you under the wrong circumstances, static stretching can have positive effects on your health and performance, and it’s not nearly as strenuous as any other form of stretching.

Stretching statically means that you are stretching your muscles but not moving them. You simply hold the stretch position for a specified period of time. With static stretching, you stretch your muscles and you become more flexible. It’s important that you stretch correctly, so hiring a company that teaches stretching techniques will help you achieve all the benefits of stretching safely.

Static flexibility

Your static flexibility is the range of motion your body has without any movement. How far you can reach, how easily you can bend, and what positions you can hold yourself in without injuring yourself are all important to take into account whenever you approach any physical activity, and they’re all forms of static flexibility. People who are less physically active may have very little flexibility and meaning they have a very restricted range of motion.

Why try static stretching

So, why should you start doing static stretching? If you want to increase your flexibility and perform better, you should be stretching regularly. Stretching statically is easy to do because there’s no risk of injury. By stretching statically, you’ll have a large range of motion which makes doing different exercises and actions easier. Stretching statically is perfect for all levels of experience, as you don’t have to be extremely skilled to do this as long as you are able to properly position yourself.

You need to remember that there are many ways you can stretch, and that static stretching is not always the best solution. It is important to incorporate static stretching into your daily life, along with doing various other forms.

Avoiding injury

As with all physical activities, there’s always going to be a risk of injury or harming your body – and static stretching isn’t exempt from that. You can end up hurting yourself if you start to stretch too often or for too long. You shouldn’t attempt to stretch without the right instruction if you aren’t properly trained in how to do it. You should consider taking stretching classes instead. Flexibility exercises will allow you to have more range of motion, power and agility, without doing anything harmful.

Remember, that people are limited, and that what you can physically do will affect the amount and how often you should stretch.

When to perform static stretching

If you’re a beginner, you may feel it’s important to do your static stretching before you work out, but that’s not the case at all. In fact, dynamic stretching would be the better choice pre-working, and you would perform your static stretching after exercise instead.

You have probably already warmed up your body, so you’ll benefit more from doing some static stretching. Stretching classes will teach you all you need to know about stretching in order to perform at your best.